Korg Kronos
15 New Sound Libraries • Thousands Of New Sounds
Only $399
Available in Korg PCG Format
Korg has done it again with the release of their groundbreaking new workstation - Kronos. Now you can get all the features and more contained in the amazing Korg Oasys at about half the price! Looks like us synth programmers will have our work cut out for us with no less then NINE different synth engines combined into one instrument. All that plus the combination of KARMA and One Gig of sampling memory adds up to one very powerful instrument.
Virtual Memory Technology (VMT), aided by a fast 30 Gig SSD (Solid State Disk) provides high polyphony and massive, ultra-long, and unlooped samples; offering unheard of performance from a hardware instrument. A variety of exclusive Korg technologies drive the synth engines to provide astounding results - VMT (Virtual Memory Technology); CMT (Component Modeling Technology); Physical Modeling, Digital Synthesis, Wave Sequencing, MDS (Multi-Dimensional Synthesis); KARMA and more!
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All sounds include Karma functions, GE's & Karma Realtime Controls

For Korg Kronos, Kronos X & Kronos 2
The best new sounds that will pump up your Kronos to maximum coolness

Under the hood, all nine engines share the same hardware, with no separate cards to manage or polyphony barriers between them. While each is worthy of a separate product in its own right, Kronos brings them all together into a single, integrated musical instrument. Dynamic voice allocation and new technologies allow all sound engines to smoothly share a stable, enhanced hardware platform.
Kid Nepro has been working with Korg's synths since 1985 and has programmed sounds for nearly every Korg workstation since the groundbreaking M1 was released in 1988. So you can be sure our Kronos sounds are most excellent.
Our Kronos collection contains sounds for several synth engines including HD-1, MS-20, Poly 6, Mod-7 and AL-1. All programmed with expert care. Sounds are compatible with the original Kronos, Kronos X and Kronos 2.
Please contact us if you have any questions about any of our Kronos Sound Libraries. Check out our tutorials for more info on getting the most out of your Kronos.
How Our PCG Sound Libraries Are Set Up In Kronos Memory
Creating Custom Drum Kits Using New Samples (WAV Files)
How To Set Up The Auto Load Function