Korg Kronos Tutorial – How To Move Sound Banks
Midi Tips November 28th, 2011How To Move PCG Data From One Sound Bank To Another
EX: Move your “User-E” bank to your “User-G” bank
Now that the version 1.5 OS for Kronos has been released and we have all those extra banks of sounds, you may want to start moving stuff around. Here’s how…..
NOTE: Best to back up any edits to the factory sounds or any new programs or combis you have done to a PCG file before attempting anything. There is no need to save “all” the data when saving a PCG file. Just save the bank that you have been editing. Then if you have to load in that PCG again, it won’t affect any of the other banks.
Go to: DISK/SAVE/Name your PCG and Save your USER-E soundbank as a PCG file to your USB hard drive or memory stick. Make sure to save just the Programs and Combis from the User-E bank. Uncheck all the other banks as well as the Drum Kits, Wave Sequences, Global Settings & Set List.
Go to: DISK/LOAD/Choose your file – Select OPEN
Choose Programs – Select OPEN
Choose Your Program File – Select LOAD
Pick the new location bank (In our case User-G) where you want to store your file – Hit LOAD.
If your just moving programs around and your PCG does not include any combis or custom drum patterns, then your done. However, if your sound bank also contains combis then repeat the above loading procedure with your “combis” USER-E soundbank.
At this point all your sounds will be moved to the new soundbank (User-G). However, the combis are still referencing the programs in your old soundbank – so you need to fix that.
Go to “Global/Basic” and choose the “Change All Bank References” command.
Highlight the “combination” box
Change UE > UE to UE > UG – Leave everything else the same – Choose OK
When you move combis from one bank to another they are still referencing the programs in the old bank. So if you change around the programs in the old bank by doing something like loading in a new group of sounds, then the combis in the new bank will not work as programmed. The change all bank references command fixes this by changing the combis so they now reference the programs in the new bank.
If you do not have any custom drum patterns that you have created then your done. However, if you do have have any custom drum patterns you also need to change them to point to the new soundbank. You do this in “program mode”. Go to the drum track and change the drum pattern from the old bank to the new one. In this case for our example, change from USER-E to USER-G. Unfortunately, there is no quick way to change all the programs at once. You must go in and change each program one at a time.
If you happen to mess up anything and want to start over again, you can always reload the factory PCG by going to Disk/Factory where you will find the Preload PCG along with all the other Preload files.
That’s it! The first one or two can be a little tricky, but like anything else it gets easier after you’ve done it a few times. If you have any problems and you need some help just let us know and we will be happy to help.
Note that if your a PC user, I’ve just discovered a cool free app called PCG tools which will do all this for you automatically! You can find more info over at KORG FORUMS.
September 13th, 2013 at 9:50 am
I am the developer of PCG Tools and just want to add that PCG Tools is free and also usable on e.g. Mac or Linux computers with a Windows emulator.
September 13th, 2013 at 12:56 pm
Thanks Michel!