Have an old Roland Super JV or XP synth that you want to load new sounds into? Here’s how to set up your synth to receive the sounds.
The following instructions are for the Roland JV1010, JV1080, JV2080, XP30, XP50, XP60 & XP80.
There are two sections in your synth that you need to make adjustments – SYSTEM & UTILITY
1- Choose system button
2- On Patch Midi Page – Set Receive Ch to #1
3- Use the Arrow Down Button to get to the next page
4- On Sys Exclusive Midi Page – Set RX EXC to “ON”
5- Use Arrow Down Button to get to the next page
6- On Receive Midi Page – Set everything to “ON”
1- Choose utility button
2- On Menu 1 – PROTECT – Use right arrow – scroll to Protect – choose “ENTER BUTTON”
3- On Write Protect Page – Set Internal “Off” & Exclusive “Off”
That should set up your synth to receive the sounds. Look for the midi light to flash when your loading in the sounds from the computer. They end up in your “USER” Bank.
Remember that on Roland synths Midi Channel 1 = Midi Channel 17 – so If you get an error message after setting up the JV or XP, try changing the midi channel in the software your using to load the sounds from channel #1 to channel #17.
If you continue to have problems, there are also a couple of settings in your software that you might need to change – the “buffer” & “transmission speed”. Raise the buffer & lower the transmission speed. Experiment to find the right settings for your system.
More info on all our Roland JV & XP Series sounds can be found
The Yamaha DX7 was one of the best selling synthesizers in the history of electronic music. It’s been over twenty years since the last ones finally rolled off Yamaha’s assembly line, but there are still a lot of them in use all over the world and lots of musicians still looking for new sounds. The sound collection that we programmed for the DX back in the 80’s has been one of our best selling patch sets with over 1000 new sounds in all. The sounds are no longer available on ROM or RAM cards. They come in a system exclusive (also known as sysex) or a standard midi file format (.mid) – so you need to load the sounds using your computer and a midi interface.
Here are some tips on how that is done……
The first thing to remember is that there were several different models of DX7’s. The original “brown” DX was one of the first instruments to have MIDI. It had limited midi features and several bugs which were improved on the later DX7-2 models. The DX7-2 Series included the DX7-2, DX7s and the DX7-2FD. The 2FD had a built in floppy disk drive and we actually offer our DX7 sounds in that format as well. In addition the company “Grey Matter” produced the “E” update. When the E board was installed in the DX it expanded the memory. Loading new sounds into each version via midi is a bit different on each model – so we have listed the set up procedure for each model DX.
In order to load sounds into any of the DX models via midi your need a “Midi Interface” and two “Midi Cables”. There are two types of midi interfaces. One is a actual piece of hardware consisting of a small box or rack mount device that has midi inputs and outputs. You only need a simple one that has one midi in and out. However, if you have a lot of synths and samplers and plan on recording them using midi, you can purchase a larger midi interface which can have up to sixteen in’s and outs. The second kind of interface is just a simple USB to Midi cable. This should also do the job for simple sysex dumps, but I have not had the opportunity to test this yet so it’s possible you may run into problems with certain midi devices if you go this route.
The interface gets connected to your computers USB port. You then run a midi cable from the “Midi out” on your interface to the DX “midi in” port. You can then connect another midi cable from your interface “midi in” to your DX “midi out”. This is called “handshaking” and assures better communication between the DX and your interface. It’s not always necessary to handshake the midi cables, but best to have a second cable around just in case you have to. Some synths will not respond to the dump if the second cable is not connected.
Original DX7
NOTE: You can only load 32 sounds at a time into the original DX7
Select Memory Select
Set Memory Protect Internal to “off”
The original DX will only receive on midi channel 1 – so make sure your software is set to transmit on channel 1
When the display reads “Sys Info Avail”, the DX is ready to receive the data.
Original DX7 NOTE: You can only load 32 sounds at a time into the original DX7Select Memory SelectSet Memory Protect Internal to “off”The original DX will only receive on midi channel 1 – so make sure your software is set to transmit on channel 1When the display reads “Sys Info Avail”, the DX is ready to receive the data.
Grey Matter E Card
If you have the Grey Matter E board installed there are several additional steps: Press “function”, then “operator select” twice to select the “memory” page, push button 31 twice (Memory Protect Internal) and then “off”. This disables the memory protect. Then press “function”, then “operator select” four times to select the “keyboard control” page, push button 2 (Midi in filters: SYSEX) and then “on”. This enables SYSEX data transfer.
DX7-2 Series
In the DX7-2 synths, most of the midi functions and parameters are adjusted using buttons 31 and 32. Make sure you set the “Rcv Ch” on the DX and your software program set to channel 1. The DX-2 series can hold 64 patches in it’s memory. There are two different memory banks (A and B). The “receive block” (button 31) lets you set which memory bank you load the sounds into. You also need to turn memory protection off (Button #14) and set “MIDI IN” to “normal” (button #29). If you don’t do this step, you get no error message and no hint of what is wrong, but the keyboard will not accept the sysex data.
Well that about covers it. If you need a program to load in the sounds we provide a couple of good ones that are easy to use for both the Mac and PC. More info on how to load the sounds using sysex software programs can be found at our web site.
It may be a bit confusing if you never loaded in new sounds into your synthesizer via the midi port – so we have put a tutorial together on exactly how it’s done. When you purchase any of our sounds in PC format we usually provide the files in both system exclusive (.syx) and standard midi files (.mid) formats . This gives you a wider option as to what programs you can use to load the sounds. There are many programs that you can use to load the standard midi files including DAW programs such as Logic, Cubase or Digital Performer. We also provide a easy to use program called MIDIOX (http://www.midiox.com) that you can use to load our SYSEX files. This tutorial will show you how to load in SYSEX (.syx) files using MidiOX.
1- Make sure you “Save” your internal sounds before loading in our sounds. Our sounds will replace your internal presets, so it’s best to save them to disk so you can reload them in later if you wish. Many synths have a “re-initilize memory” setting which you can use to restore the original factory settings. Each synthesizer is set up differently – so refer to your owners manuel on how to transmit a “Bulk Dump” or “Sysex Dump” from your synth to your computer. Be sure you have installed the latest drivers for your MIDI interface (these are available from the maker of the midi interface).
2- First you need to set up your synthesizer to receive the file. The owners manuel will also inform you on how to set up your synth to receive a “System Exclusive” or SYSEX Dump. Some synths require you to turn off the memory protect. Others require you to “Enable” or “Turn on” the System Exclusive. It varies from synth to synth. We recommend that you set your synthesizer to Midi Channel #1. This is the default channel when “Midiox” loads.
3- Connect a midi cable from your computers midi interface or sound card midi out to your synthesizers midi in. Also connect a cable from your computer midi in to your synthesizers midi out. If your sound card just has one port then connect it to the midi in of your synthesizer
4- Open Midiox and click on “Help/Contents/Getting Started” and read that.
Also click on “Making Connections”. That tells you how to connect Midiox to your synthesizer.
You set this up by going to “Options/Mididevices”. While your in the contents menu also click on “System Exclusive/Sending A File”. Under the “Options” menu, select “MIDI Devices”. Look in the “MIDI Outputs:” box and select the appropriate MIDI OUT device (this tells MidiOx where to direct the MIDI data). If you do not see an entry for your MIDI interface, then you probably need to reinstall or update the appropriate drivers for your MIDI interface.
5- Then take any one of our sysex files and drag them from your desktop into the “Monitor – Output” box. The Sysex View and Scratchpad window should pop up and you should see the data in the window. Then go to the File Menu and click on “Send Sysex File. The data will automatically begin sending to the synth. Wait for the progress bar to complete.
If you have everything set correctly the file should now be loaded into your synthesizers internal memory.
Complete info on all our sounds can be found at: www.kidnepro.com. If you have any questions please contact us via phone or e-mail.
It may be a bit confusing if you never loaded in new sounds via midi so we have put a tutorial together on exactly how it’s done. When you purchase any of our sounds in Macintosh format you receive the files in both system exclusive (.syx) and standard midi (.mid) files. This gives you a wider option as to what programs you can use to load the sounds. There are many programs that you can use to load the files including DAW programs such as Logic, Cubase or Digital Performer. We also provide a great program written by Kurt Revis (www.snoize.com/) called “SysEx Librarian” that will do all sorts of cool stuff including load both system exclusive and standard midi files.
Make sure you “Save” your internal sounds to disk before loading in our sounds. Our sounds will replace your internal presets, so it’s best to save them to disk so you can reload them in later if you wish. Many synth have a “re-initilize memory” setting which you can use to restore the original factory settings, so if you have one in your synth there is no need to save your factory sounds (if you have not changed anything).
First connect your midi cables from your midi interface to the synthesizer. Remember that your synth must first be set up to receive data via midi. Each synthesizer is set up differently, so refer to your owners manuel on how to transmit a “Bulk Dump” or “Sysex Dump” from your synth to your computer. Some synths require you to turn off the memory protect. Others require you to “enable” or “turn on” the system exclusive. It varies from synth to synth.
Before you boot up the sysex librarian you have to set up your instrument(s) in the Mac’s “Audio/Midi Setup”. The Audio/Midi setup can be found in the Utility’s folder inside the Mac’s Application folder. Open up the Audio/Midi setup and click on “Midi Devices” (if you using OS 10.4 or earlier). If your running OS 10.5 or later then go to the “window” menu and choose “show midi window”.
You should see your midi interface in the window. For our example we are using a Midi Timepiece AV as the midi interface and a Korg Triton Extreme as the synthesizer we want to load the new sounds into. Click on “add device” and a icon will appear that say’s “new external device”. Double click on the icon and the “properties” box will pop up. Give the device a name, choose the manufacture and model and fill in the midi channel info. The “system exclusive” ID, in the bottom right corner is the setting for the midi channel that you have your synth set to. Note that if you happen to have a synth made by Roland: midi channel 1 is actually channel 17, midi channel 2 is channel 18 and so on.
Once you create your settings, close the properties box and go back to the main Audio/Midi box. Then as in the top photo, you have to connect your midi interface to your synth with the patch cables. Just click and drag to connect the two. Connect both the “out to in” and the “in to out” just as in the first photo.
Close the Audio/Midi setup and open the SysEx librarian. In the pull down box choose the port that you have your synthesizer connected to. In our example we are using port 1. Then just drag the sysex or midi file from your desktop into the SysEx librarian box and you should see the name appear in the box (Kid Nepro Triton V1.syx). Then just hit the “play” button and if everything is connected properly the data should load into your synth.
From the SysEx librarian docs: Transmit Speed: Most MIDI devices can handle sysex messages sent at full speed, but a few older ones have problems keeping up. If your device doesn’t work, try turning down the transmit speed a little bit. (this is done in the sysex librarian preferences) Note that you can change the speed on an individual device, if you’ve set it up in Audio MIDI Setup. This is the recommended way to do it (instead of setting the speed on the whole output port), because SysEx Librarian will use the appropriate speed even if you change which port the device is hooked up to.
Please note two things:
•SysEx Librarian is absolutely dependent on the MIDI interface’s driver
•MIDI drivers can and do have bugs, especially when dealing with SysEx messages
If you’re having problems, your first step should be to get the latest version of the driver for your MIDI interface. Almost all manufacturers have web sites where the drivers can be downloaded — please check with the manufacturer of your particular device.
You must have a Mac OS X driver for your MIDI interface; Mac OS 9 drivers will not work.
To SAVE a complete set of 64 patches and 8 patch preset pairs:
A- Press the JP-8 dump button. The JP-8 will send a pilot tone to your tape recorder, indicated by a double dash (— —) in the patch number display window. If possible, adjust your tape recorder so that the pilot tone registers near 0dB.
B- Begin recording with your tape recorder, beginning with a clear portion of the pilot tone. The JP-8 will soon produce a modulated tone and indicate which patch numbers are being dumped at any given moment by displaying those numbers in the lower portion of the display window.
C- When the Jupiter-8 has dumped it’s entire memory (ending with the number 88) the pilot tone will appear again then drop to silence and the display window will become blank to indicate the end of the dump sequence. Record enough of the silence to separate different JP-8 program memories to the same tape.
The Jupiter-8 includes the ability to assign a file number to each set of programs dumped, to make later identification easier. Merely select one of the 64 available patch numbers and place it in the upper section of the patch number display window before the dump procedure is begun. This number will be memorized along with the rest of the JP-8 memories and will be displayed in that position whenever the tape memory is played back into the Jupiter-8.
The Jupiter-8 includes a verify function to allow you to check the accuracy of your tape recorded memories before you change any patches in the Jupiter-8, providing extra securing against accidental loss of your precious programs.
To VERIFY a complete set of 64 patches and 8 patch preset pairs:
A- Play back the recorded set of JP-8 programs at a relatively high level, adjusting the tape recorder output until you obtain the brightest and most continuous signal from the JP-8’s data check LED. Once you have made your adjustments, begin tape playback with the pilot tone and press the JP-8 verify switch.
B- If your recorded memory is accurate and is being played back clearly and at the correct level, the JP-8 will now proceed to display all 64 patch numbers in sequence as it did in dump mode. If the entire sequence is completed, the tape memory is accurate and secure.
C- If there is an error in your recorded memory or it’s playback, patch number of upper section of the display window will begin to flash intermittently. Return to the beginning of the verify procedure, check your tape recorders levels and connections, and try again. If an error is indicated again, repeat the dump procedure again. Continue until your tape passes the verify test.
To LOAD a complete set of 64 patches and 8 patch preset pairs:
A- Adjust the tape output level according to the JP-8 data check indicator. Once this adjustment has been made, begin tape playback with the pilot tone and press the JP-8 load switch.
B- The JP-8 will indicate the file number of the program being loaded in the upper portion of the display window, and the patch numbers being loaded at any given moment in the lower portion of the display window. When the entire sequence has ended and the display window becomes blank, the load procedure is complete and the Jupiter-8 may be played normally using the new set of programs.
Hit Dump (verify, load) key to quit dump operation.
If errors have been detected, the display window keeps the flashing patch number until you hit any key.
The Jupiter-8 tape memory section includes some special features which make the tape memory more useful. Any bank of patches (such as the teens, twenty’s, etc) may be dumped, verified and loaded by itself or in combination with any other banks. This allows specific parts of any Jupiter-8 program to be stored or recalled without effecting the rest of the programs. This procedure is exactly the same as dumping, loading and verifying with one simple addition. Immediately after pressing the dump, load or verify switch, press the patch number switches for the bank or banks you wish to include. This will limit the process to the banks you have chosen.
If you wish to load specific parts of entire programs you have dumped into tape, it is even possible to drop into that program and load that information into any new banks you wish. To accomplish this, begin the verify procedure. The instant before you reach the specific patch number you wish to begin loading, press the load button and then the bank of sounds you wish to load. The Jupiter-8 begins loading at that point.
The patch preset memories are dealt with as a group and are the first items loaded, dumped of verified in any of these procedures. Remember that these memories are pairs of numbers referring to patches within the 64 patch memories, not a separate set of patches.
When you are completely finished with the tape memory section of the Jupiter-8, always return to the memory protect switch on the back panel to the “ON” position so that the LED indicator on the front panel is lit.
Need new sounds for your Jupiter? We have a cool collection of sounds for your Vintage Jupiter-8. 64 new patches on data cassette or WAV file download. That will get your Jupiter back on it’s feet again or give you some new sounds to work with. More info can be found At The Jupiter-8 Section Of Our Web Site
The Korg M1 is one of, if not the best selling synthesizers of all time so there are a lot of M1 owners out there still looking for new sounds. You can find more info on all our Korg M1 sounds and Patches over here. We have a great collection which will get your M1 back on it’s feet again, but there are a few important things you should know.
NOTE: These settings will also work with the Korg M1R Rack Module as well as the Korg T-Series (T1, T2, T3 and T3-EX).
The ROM, RAM and PCM cards that fit into the M1 card slots have not been made in many years and are hard to find. Even if you do happen to find one, there is a good chance that the internal battery on the card is dead. That makes the card useless in most cases. You can change the battery on “some” cards, but even if you do any sounds that were on the card are gone. The cards are also expensive and do not hold much memory (usually only one bank of sounds can fit on a typical RAM card).
As described in our “Sysex Made Simple article”, there are better ways to do things. A simple midi interface will connect to your computers USB port and enable you to load and save sounds to your computers hard drive. Each synthesizer is set up differently, so refer to your owners manuel on how to transmit a “Bulk Dump” or “Sysex Dump” from your computer to your synth. Here are the settings that will let you do this on the M1:
To load in new sounds:
Set your M1 as follows in the global section:
Midi channel to 1
Memory protects to OFF
Midi filtering excl: ENA; 100/100 mode
To save sounds to your computer:
Set your software to receive the bulk dump
Set your M1 as follows in the global section:
Midi channel to 1
Midi filtering excl: ENA; 100/100 mode
Go to “Midi Data Dump Page”
You can set to dump Programs, Combis, Global, Sequence Data or All. Set to “All” unless you just want to save part of your internal data.
press “DUMP”
If the file does not transfer then check your cables and software settings and repeat.
If you need a program to load the sounds in, we provide easy to use applications that will load in sounds to just about any synth with midi.
Here are a few other tips in working with sysex transfers;
Before you do anything, make sure your Midi cables are correctly connected. “Midi Out” of your Computer interface to “Midi In” of your synth & “Midi Out” of your synth to “Midi In” of your computer interface. Then copy the file to your hard drive or back up everything on a CD, floppy of whatever your using.
Make sure you “Save” your internal sounds to disk before loading in our sounds. Our sounds will replace your internal presets, so it’s best to save them to disk so you can reload them in later if you wish. Many synth have a “re-initilize memory” setting which you can use to restore the original factory settings. Note that there is no re-initilize setting on the M1, M1R or T- Series.
The sounds that we sell for the M1 are in .syx format (system exclusive) We recommend using Midiox or OSX Sysex to transfer the sounds. Although there are many other programs available that will transfer sysex files. We also provide the sounds in a standard midi file format (.mid). You can use your sequencer program (Logic, Cubase, Digital Performer etc) to load in the data. To load via your sequencer just import the file into a track. Then play the track and the data will load into your synth. The midi files will also work with windows media player. Just import them into windows media player and play.
Tape recorder or computer interface connections; Connect cable from your tape recorders or computer audio interface “output” to the rear “input” on the Juno-60 (LOAD).
1- Set the tape or software program so it will be played back from the very beginning of the data (where you hear a pilot tone).
2- Set The Memory Protect switch on the rear panel of the Juno-60 to OFF.
3- Set the tape recorder/software to PLAY, then press the LOAD button (8) on the Juno-60. The LOAD indicator will light up and the program number display window becomes blank, showing that the data has started. Be sure to press the LOAD button before the modulation tone is heard.
If the load button goes out and the program number display window shows double dashes (–), the loading is complete.
If error message occurs adjust output level on your tape machine. If the output level is too high or too low you will get an error message. Experiment to find the proper level for your equipment. Also make sure to press the load button at the right moment.
Saving Instructions:
Tape recorder or computer interface connections; Connect cable from your Juno-60 “save output” to the “Line input or Mic Input” on the Tape recorder or computer audio interface.
1- Set your tape recorder or software to record mode.
2- Press the SAVE button (#6) of the Juno 60. The save indicator will light up and the program number shown in the display window will go out. Also. the pilot tone will be sent from the SAVE jack.
3- If you tape recorder features the recording volume adjust knob, adjust it so that the pilot tone registers near 0 db. In 4 or 5 seconds the Juno-60 produces a modulated tone, i.e.saving into the tape recorder/software begins. (be sure to complete adjusting the recording level before the modulated tone is heard.
BTW: In case your not already aware of it, we have a cool collection of sounds for your old Juno-60. 112 Patches are available on data cassette or WAV file download. That will get your old Juno back on it’s feet again. More info can be found At The Roland Section Of Our Web Site
Many of you have just picked up an old synthesizer and it did not come with an owners manuel. Since there seems to be little info available online, we have been getting many requests for more info on how to load and save sounds into vintage synthesizers via the data cassette port. We’ve started things off with how to load & save sounds into the Roland Jupiter-6.
Tape recorder or computer interface connections; Connect cable from your tape recorders or computer audio interface “output” to the rear “input” on the Jupiter-6 (LOAD).
To load in new sounds:
1- Turn off the “memory protect” switch in the rear of the Jupiter-6.
2- Adjust the output level on your cassette player/software. The best loading levels are at “0” DB. Once the adjustment has been made, begin the tape/wav playback with the pilot tone and press the Jupiter-6 “load” switch.
3- The data will begin to load into your Jupiter-6. Each Bank light should flash one at a time as the data is loading in. If one or more begins to blink then an error has occured. In this case adjust your output levels and try again.
Jupiter-6 If none of the banks blink then all has loading in OK.
Tape recorder or computer interface connections; Connect cable from your Jupiter-6 “save output” to the “Line input or Mic Input” on the Tape recorder or computer audio interface.
To save your old sounds:
1- Press the Jupiter Dump or Save button. The Jupiter will send a pilot tone to your tape recorder/software. Adjust your recording levels on your tape recorder so that the tone reads at about “0 db”.
2- Begin recording with your tape recorder/software, beginning with a clear portion of the pilot tone. The Jupiter will soon produce a modulated tone and begin to save the banks one at a time.
3- When the Jupiter has dumped it’s entire memory, the pilot tone will appear again. Record a few seconds of the pilot tone.
We have found that the best tape recorders to use for this kind of data transfer are those small portable ones that you can get at radio shack for about $50. The ones that are usually used for recording voice lectures and that kind of stuff. The key feature is that the tape recorder must have an “adjustable output” so you can control how much signal the synthesizer will receive. That’s critical when transferring data this ancient way. Most of the old analog synths from the 80’s that use the cassette interface need to have everything just right or else you will get the dreaded “error” message.
Of course, if your using a computer to transfer the WAV file, that will make your life a bit easier. However, you still have to make sure that your output level is right to avoid getting errors. Simply adjust the output level of the wav file to suit your equipment.
Another important thing you should know is that cool old analog synthesizer that you just got may not make any sound at all! There is a good chance that your synths “internal battery” has died and you need to replace it before loading in any new sounds. For more info CLICK HERE
BTW: In case your not already aware of it, we have a cool collection of sounds for your old Juno-60. 112 Patches are available on data cassette or WAV file download. That will get your old Juno back on it’s feet again. More info can be found At The Roland Section Of Our Web Site
At several ofour vintage synths web pages, it say’s that our sounds are available in WAV file format. Let me explain what’s up with that. I’ll use the Oberheim OB8 as an example.
In this case, the WAV format is different then what you might expect. You can not load these sounds into your software sampler. When you purchase the .wav format, you need a Oberheim OB in order to use the sounds. If you want OB8 sounds for your software sampler then GO HERE.
So, instead of purchasing the data cassette tape, you get the sounds in a downloadable format. Now you don’t have to wait for the cassette tape to be delivered in the mail. That’s one of the cool things about the internet. You couldn’t do that back in the 80’s!
Once you download, just connect your computer audio output to your synths cassette interface input and you can load in the sounds the same way you would from a cassette tape. The files will open in any program that plays WAV files. You can use your DAW or even iTunes to load the files.
You just need a cable to connect your computer to your synth. It’s a 1/8′ mini plug for the computer and a standard 1/4′ plug for your synth. You can get one at Amazon.
This works the same for any of the 80’s vintage synths which load sounds via the old cassette interface.
Yes, we are just about the only sound company left from those early days of midi and have lot’s of cool sounds for those old 80’s synth beasts. The decade of Miami Vice, Van Halen and Big Hair.
Not sure how to download sounds or want to know how e-mail delivery works? It’s quick, simple, and FREE! And best of all, you can have your new sounds today.
Here’s how it works: After you place your order, we e-mail you a password with a web link. Just click on the link and sign in with your info. Then click on the link and download your new sounds. Easy as pie.
If you’re working with a synthesizer, save the files to a Floppy Disk, Smart Media Card, USB Stick, Hard Drive, CD-ROM or whatever format your synth is using for storage. Then you can load in our sounds from your Synths Floppy Drive, CD-ROM or Smart Media Device. If you’re using a digital sampler then just take the new samples and import them into the software program or hardware sampler that you’re working with.
You can also load in the sounds through your synths Midi port by doing a System Exclusive (.syx) data transfer. We include a cool app with your order that lets you load the sounds via Midi.
We also have the synth sounds in standard midi file format (.mid). You can use your sequencer program (Logic, Cubase, Digital Performer etc) to load in the data.
So, there are several ways to load sounds into your synth. Just let us know which synth or sampler you’re working with in the “comments” section of our order form and we will take care of the rest.
Most sounds are available for download delivery. For more info on how to load sounds via midi, check out our “Sysex Made Simple” page.
If you have any questions or problems with the e-mail delivery we will be happy to assist. Our customer support rules!
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